The Effectiveness of BMI

Measuring the composition of the body is done through the Body Mass Index (BMI). By measuring height and weight and comparing the results to a pre-computed scale, BMI categorizes body weight into normal weight, overweight, and underweight. This method is quite accurate for most people, but can be less precise for athletes and bodybuilders.

Cost-effective and widely adopted by personal trainers, dietitians, physicians, and other organizations, measuring BMI requires only a height measurement tool and a weight scale. Unlike other intrusive measurement techniques, such as the skin fold test or submersion, BMI measurement offers a less embarrassing option.

The BMI scale is quite convenient as it allows anyone to calculate their own BMI by simply inputting their height and weight into the following formula: height in inches divided by weight in pounds, squared, and multiplied by 703. It does not consider any differences based on age, race, or gender.

Due to its convenience and accuracy, BMI scales have become popular with various organisations that need to track or monitor changes in body composition over time, such as the CDC, which uses BMI to chart the rising levels of obesity in America. Other methods are deemed inefficient or take too long, while calculating BMI takes just a minute or two. Click here to learn from an expert.

In summary, BMI scales have proven to be an efficient and effective way to measure body composition and monitor changes over time. Its convenience and accuracy have made it a preferred choice for organizations and individuals alike.

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